You can achieve pretty good results even with a light freeware synth like synth1. But in then end, its more how good you are in making sound. The Best for wide pads, I would advice for Zebra 2, but even the synth I recently purchased Camel Audio Alchemy can get pretty wide, detuning up to 600 oscilators. Great songs, even though they are not ambient. Nowdays synths, soft synths, are more about workflow than sound itself as almost all new synths, sound very good nowdays and their abilities expand way beyond basic pad sounds. It can be done by a limited substractive, a fm synth, an additive synth, a modular synth etc. There is nothing inside them that requires a sophisticated feature, to be able to advice you a specific synth. Pretty basic/common sound but any help on how to achieve it would be great thumbsupI would say that pretty much any kind of synth can do those nowdays, as you say it, they are pretty basic. Looking for the best soft synth that can make big wide pad sounds such as in these songs